A Simple Way To Access the BIOS Of Your Micro PC

Mar 07, 2017

Before booting or from Windows 10, learn how to quickly access the BIOS.

BIOS (for Basic Input Output System) resides, as most of the firmware, in an erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) chip sited on your Motherboard. So, as soon as you turn your computer on, the CPU accesses the EPROM and gives control to the BIOS.

Standard Way: Before booting

For most of the PCs, you can reach and configure the BIOS with your keyboard before it starts to post. The key to press will depend on the BIOS manufacturer.

IntensePC2 Splash Screen
IntensePC2 Splash Screen

American Megatrends Inc BIOSs (Fitlet products) can be accessible pressing DEL before boot up. Same for NGC-1. Our Intel Products such as IntensePC2 and Airtop uses F2.

Access the BIOS from Windows 10:

In case your Operating System is already running and you want to change one of your BIOS settings, Microsoft included into their OS an easy way to access it without headache of searching which key is the correct one.

To access your BIOS on a Windows 10 PC, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to settings. ...
2. Select Update & security.
3. Select Recovery from the left menu.
4. Click Restart Now under Advanced startup. ...
5. Click Troubleshoot.
6. Click Advanced options.
7. Select UEFI Firmware Settings.
8. Click Restart.

Windows 10 Advanced Options
Windows 10 Advanced Options

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